Saturday, April 19, 2008

Wrist corsages

I requested my intructress to teach me to make wrist corsage. So its a wrist corsage day for me today! Together with my intructress, my classmate and myself we tried making a few designs.

By us

By my classmate

By my classmate

By my instructress

By me

By me

By my instuctress

By me

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Hanging design

Hanging design are usually placed on the walls or doors. The flowers and foliage are arranged such that they look flowing. Flowers and foliage with soft stems are usually used. For example, turlips, ivy leaf, onion leaf and anethum leaf were used in arrangement below.

There are many ways to arrange this design. My instructress and myself had tried a few designs.

Traditional Biedemeyer

Traditional biedemeyer is a round shape design consisting of mixed flowers and foliage of different layers.

The flowers and foliage used in this biedemeyer are geberas, carnation, anethum, tea leaves, banksa and cordyline leaves.

Demo set

Done by me

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Bridal Bouquet

A few of us did a bridal bouquet each. The first 2 picture were done by me. The other pictures are done by my classmates.

The flowers and foliage used are lily, rose, statice, onion leaves and caspia.

My bouquet

My bouquet (overall pic)

My classmate's bouquet

My classmate's bouquet