These are seasonal flowers, which means they only bloom during certain period of a year.
Leucadendron Linifolium
Steps to discover and realise my interest in floral arrangement.
Leucadendron Linifolium
Horizontal design (Top view)
Horizontal design
The plants used are lily, carnations, statice, salal leaves and cordyline leaves.
Dome arrangement
Refers to pot, vases etc... A porcelin round pot was selected for this arrangement.
Floral foam
The foral foam has to be well soak in water and cut to the size of the container's opening. Once the foam is soaked, it has to be kept soaked until it is required for use.
Floral food
A spoonful of floral food has to be added into water. It gives nutrients to flowers and help to preserve the flowers Carnations were selected for this arrangement. The stems
were cut to equal length with the height of the pot. 5 stalks were used as the main skeleton of arrangement before the rest of the stalks were inserted in. Leaves were next to put in to fill up the empty spaces followed by filler flowers. The leaves used were salal leaf and bamboo. The filler flowers used were statice.
I also put in some ribbons but I need more practice in tying the ribbons. I feel that I'm not very good in
making ribbons.
As I did not prepared anything for my 1st lesson, I got help for my classmate to have my picture of my first project taken. I will post the picture when I receive my picture from her.