Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Eryngium and Leucadendron Linifolium

These are seasonal flowers, which means they only bloom during certain period of a year.


Leucadendron Linifolium

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Roses in water design done by other student

This beautiful design was done by an advance student. Her roses were submerged in water and seen through clear glass. Here are some of the pics...

In a dilemma and undecided

At the end of my 3rd lesson, my instructress ask me to think about taking up the full course which includes the basic, intermediate, advance and bridal course. If i'm interested, she intend to let me take the bridal course alongside with my current basic course. As there are many weddings during this period of time, it will be a good time for me to get involved in bridal floral designing. The students would have chance to go to different wedding venues to work on floral arrangement projects.

Well, I'm interested in taking up the bridal course opportunities, but to take up the full course, I feel that its a little expensive. I'm still not prepared to fork out so much money, because i don't know whether this interest is just my sudden urge or something that i really like. I enjoyed myself very much in this basic course so far. I hope i would be able to do a little business out from what I learn one day.

I'm quite undecided for now. Think i will consult my friends and family how do they think. What should i do? Grab this opportunity or just continue with my basic course?

3rd lesson: Horizontal Design

Following the recap of dome design arrangement, June and Joelyn taught me horizontal design aka long table arrangement. From the name, it suits tables which are long and rectangular,
The way to arrange the flowers is similar except one side of opposite stems are longer and equal length. This is what I have done today with help from June and Joelyn.

Horizontal design (Top view)

Horizontal design

The plants used are lily, carnations, statice, salal leaves and cordyline leaves.

3rd lesson: Dome design recap

Attended my 3rd lesson today in the afternoon.

The 1st thing was to revise my dome design arrangement. I was given a metal bucket as the container. The main flower used was carnations. Instructor Joelyn review my work done and I had some rectifications done. This project was done myself.

Dome arrangement

Sunday, October 28, 2007

2nd lesson Round Bouquet arrangement

I did a round bouquet arrangement last Saturday. Its consists of roses, statice and some foliage. Here are some pictures taken. The one is orange wrapping is done by myself. This bouquet was given to my friend as a gift.

Picture of my dome flower arrangement

As promised, this is the floral arrangment done for my 1st lesson.

Friday, October 26, 2007

My first lesson: Dome floral arrangement.

I started my 1st lesson immediately after signing up for my basic course. A set of tools and coursebook were given to me and I am required to bring them for my lessons.

June introduced me to different flower bases such as porcelin and glass. I was going to do a dome shape floral arrangement that day.

Preparation is required prior to doing the arrangement.


Refers to pot, vases etc... A porcelin round pot was selected for this arrangement.

Floral foam

The foral foam has to be well soak in water and cut to the size of the container's opening. Once the foam is soaked, it has to be kept soaked until it is required for use.

Floral food

A spoonful of floral food has to be added into water. It gives nutrients to flowers and help to preserve the flowers

Carnations were selected for this arrangement. The stems were cut to equal length with the height of the pot. 5 stalks were used as the main skeleton of arrangement before the rest of the stalks were inserted in. Leaves were next to put in to fill up the empty spaces followed by filler flowers. The leaves used were salal leaf and bamboo. The filler flowers used were statice.

I also put in some ribbons but I need more practice in tying the ribbons. I feel that I'm not very good in making ribbons.

As I did not prepared anything for my 1st lesson, I got help for my classmate to have my picture of my first project taken. I will post the picture when I receive my picture from her.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Realising my interest

Although I gained interest in flower arrangement, I an still very unsure whether this is something that I will really like. I'm a little worried that I would lose this interest one day.

It has been more than a year since flowers interests me and I have been looking out for floral arrangement classes. I want to learn the basic floral arrangment at least to try out whether I like it or not. Well, I found some classes but I did not have the urge to sign up immediately. This was because most of the classes were situated places inconvenient to me and the course fees were quite expensive.

I walked past Floral School today. I told myself: since I'm here, just go and find out more! I entered the school and enquired with the principal. Its individual coaching which means I can learn at my own time and target. I felt that this suits me. She even told me that I can start immediately if I'm free. I paid my course fees and started my first lesson today! My first step to realise my floral arrangement dream!

How my interest begins......

Most of you might be wondering, when do I start to notice more on flower arrangements?

As I had started my preparations for my wedding since last year, I noticed beautiful floral arrangements through magazines, florists websites and other couples' weddings. They are very colourful and cheers up my day.

Therefore, I had thought of being more involved and wanting to know more about flowers as well as floral arrangements. This aroused my interest in floral arrangement. I even have an ambitous dream: to have my own floral arrangement business.