Monday, October 22, 2007

Realising my interest

Although I gained interest in flower arrangement, I an still very unsure whether this is something that I will really like. I'm a little worried that I would lose this interest one day.

It has been more than a year since flowers interests me and I have been looking out for floral arrangement classes. I want to learn the basic floral arrangment at least to try out whether I like it or not. Well, I found some classes but I did not have the urge to sign up immediately. This was because most of the classes were situated places inconvenient to me and the course fees were quite expensive.

I walked past Floral School today. I told myself: since I'm here, just go and find out more! I entered the school and enquired with the principal. Its individual coaching which means I can learn at my own time and target. I felt that this suits me. She even told me that I can start immediately if I'm free. I paid my course fees and started my first lesson today! My first step to realise my floral arrangement dream!

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